Free online tool to format an ugly HTML code, making it readable and pretty, with the proper indentation. Autodetect HTML XML CSS JavaScript PHP JSON. CSS Formatter · JavaScript Formatter · PHP Formatter · JSON Formatter
This free online HTML formatter and validator lets you chose your indentation level and also lets you export to file. HTML Validator · HTML Escape / Unescape · CSS Beautifier · JavaScript Beautifier
An HTML beautifier is a tool that quickly transforms your minified or unformatted HTML code into a human-readable format. The beautified code helps developers ...
HTML Formatting Elements. Formatting elements were designed to display special types of text: <b> - Bold text; <strong> - Important text; <i> - Italic text ...
Click CTRL + U in an HTML page, or right-click on the page and select View Page Source. This will open a new tab containing the HTML source code of the page.